This is an anthology of writings by some of the most outstanding Baptists of all ages, revealing the "faith of our fathers."Baptist giants such as J. ..
Paul was not the only antagonist who became not only a
believer but, an active servant of our Lord.
James, the son of Alphaeus, according to G..
Dayton, a former Presbyterian-turned-Baptist, wrote this two volume set of books which argues for baptism by immersion. Author: Amos C. DaytonBinding:..
by John Gill (Author)In this work, John Gill argues for the existence and characteristics of the triune God. These arguments are all given f..
Discover essential, reliable information on over 800 Christian personalities, groups, and literature to the end of the sixth century A.D. in this uniq..
by Richard P. Belcher (Author)ISBN-10 : 0925703133ISBN-13 : 978-0925703132..
ISBN-10 : 0805424148ISBN-13 : 978-0805424140Author: Brooks R. Faulkner..
by Daniel P. Franklin (Author)Will all Christians go to heaven? Christians in Hell answers this question with an emphatic no. In his eye-ope..
by Kenneth Johns (Author)Election: Love Before Time' is a book that talks about some of the greatest words in the Bible; election, foreknowl..
by J. Vernon McGee (Author)Radio messages from J. Vernon McGee delighted and enthralled listeners for years with simple, straightforward lan..
Author: V.C. MayesASIN : B00404PYR6..
In this classic, modern-day parable about a man and his transforming love for his dog, Lass, bestselling author Phillip Keller paints a vivid picture ..
Under the historical head the reader will find some account of the three most remarkable events in the history of the Reformed Church of England. The ..
MARANATHA: OUR LORD, COME! By Renald ShowersA Definitive Study of the
Rapture of the ChurchThis book is an in-depth study of matters related to the
For 300 years, Matthew Henry's Commentary has been a favorite of teachers, preachers, and laypeople. His rich exposition and useful applicat..
A helpful book for the student who does not know Hebrew and a time-saver for the student who does. All entries are coded to Strong's numbering system...
Will You Be Complicit, Complacent, or Courageous?In a culture with an ever-narrowing definition of tolerance, Christians can no longer stay silent abo..
Who is man before God? Do we truly understand the results of sin and our fallen nature, or the scope of God's forgiveness? Previously published as&nbs..
John Owen’s writings, though challenging, are full of rich spiritual insights. In this unabridged volume, editors Justin Taylor and Kelly Kapic h..
by John Piper (Author)Pierced by the Word takes up thirty-one subjects as unique as "How to Be a Refuge for Your Children," "How to Drink Or..
Satan's Seatby Shaun Willcock There is a powerful and sinister institution at work in the
world, claiming to be Christian but in reality antichr..
For anyone who wants to restore daily devotions on an individual or family basis, Spurgeon's Devotional Bible is the perfect answer. One can read thro..
Countless pastors, teachers, and students have pored over the best-selling Be series—and now these insightful studies are available in one c..
Best Selling author Larry Burkett consolidates the wisdom gleaned from his nearly twenty years of financial counseling into this practical book for di..
The Complete Works of Augustus TopladyThe peculiar object in the writings of Mr. Toplady was to bring vital Christianity to view, and to display its p..
by Janet L. Folger (Author)There is a war going on for the future of our country. Most people know that. What they may not know is that if C..
This book includes eight chapters on self-denial, based on Luke 9:23, and ten additional sermons, seven of which have not been reprinted since the sev..
Study the Bible with the most influential ministers in Christian historyThe Enduring Voices KJV Study Bible honors the legacy of the King Ja..
Volumes 1 and 2The Existence and Attributes of God has become a classic text on the doctrine of God, and examines in meticulous detail God’s fore..
by Edwin H. PalmerConcise guide explains the five points of Calvinism, known as TULIP, in clear, contemporary language. Also includes The Belgic ..
We believe it, we preach it, we strive for it--but still for many, the kind of free-flowing life in the fullness of the Spirit is more dream-like than..
Four previously unpublished sermons by John Kershaw (1792-1870)pastor of Hope Chapel Rochdale EnglandBy John Kershaw..
An exposition of the parables of Jesus, many of which deal with prophetic matters. The author writes that Christ designed to teach and illustrate by H..
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the "Prince of Preachers," composed and polished The Treasury of David over the span of nearly half his ministry. This incomp..
This rare book- published in 1860 as the first comprehensive account of the 1859 revival in Wales- holds a primary place in the authentic records of p..
The Works of Abraham Booth - Volume 1Confession of Faith & SermonsEdited by Michael A. G. Haykin “Abraham Booth (1734-1806) was ..
by Eustace Mullins (Author)This book expands on Secrets of the Federal Reserve, by the same author, and details the history of the interlock..
A complete reference edition of the 60-volume Thru the Bible commentary series, this five-volume set is an excellent choice if you need a complete Bib..
by Walter J. Chantry (Author)Differences between much of today s preaching and that of Jesus are not petty; they are enormous. This powerful..
Richard Wurmbrand suffered 14 years in underground prison cells, months in solitary confinement, and years of physical torture. His only crimes w..
by W. J Berry (Author)ASIN : B0006XWBTE..
The Warfare of the Spirit is a collection of editorials written while Dr. Tozer was editor of Alliance Life magazine. In this last book..
Current culture considers biblical faith an expression of bigotry and hatred, yet resorts to shaming and pressure tactics to enforce other views. How ..
by Mark Hitchcock (Author) Two days before He died, Jesus gave His closest followers a sweeping panorama of earth's final days. Respond..
by Mark Hitchcock (Author) As sensationalists and skeptics wreak havoc with the country's emotions, prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock prov..
Our Publications
A study of the cross on which our Saviour was crucified reveals more
than just a piece of wood on which He was nailed. He was made to suffer
and t..
In this series of sermons Elder Cockrell looks at six different Bible Characters.
Much truth can be gleaned from these different people: Thomas, the..
Perhaps no one passage of Scripture has suffered more at the hands of
expositors than Matthew Chapter 24. Amillennialists generally insist
upon a ..
The word “backsliding” occurs 16 times in the Old Testament and
“backslider” only once. The word literally means to go back or away
from. It is to..
This book has been the means of convincing a large number of pedobaptists of the validity of the Baptist position of immersion as the proper mode of b..
A look at the holiday of Christmas from the Bible.Author: Milburn R. CockrellBinding: PaperbackLocation: M4..
In this series of sermons Elder Cockrell looks at the many covenants
of the Bible. First Elder Cockrell deals with the Father's, Son's, and
Holy S..
The topic of death and the hereafter are of great concern to all
sensible and spiritual people. Die we all must, unless we be privileged
to be amo..
This re-appraisement of Scripture teaching upon the position of women in Christian churches is most timely. Dr. Porter edited and partly wrote this vo..
Does Christ have the ability to perpetuate His church? To contest
this is to deny the Deity of Christ. If He could not do what He wanted
to do, th..
There are three predominate gardens in the Bible. The Garden of Eden,
The Garden of Gethsemane and the Garden of New Jerusalem. In this book
In this book the writer has as his grand object the presentation of
truth concerning the local church bride of Christ. Nevertheless, this is
Throughout all Christendom people speak of the blessings of belief in
the universal, invisible church theory. Most of these are imaginary.
Really ..
Gospels make it clear that John was the first New Testament Baptist. He
was not John the Mormon or John the Methodist. He was not John the
An excellent book dealing with the Book of Revelation from a Sovereign Grace Landmark position.Author: Edgar G. CookPublisher: Berea Baptist ChurchYea..
$8.80 $11.00
Paul was not the only antagonist who became not only a
believer but, an active servant of our Lord.
James, the son of Alphaeus, according to G..
A series of sermons dealing with how to start missions, the job of the missionary, and a look at The Great Commission.Author: Milburn R. CockrellBindi..
Those who hold to pre-tribulationism are called "pre-tribers." This
view maintains that no part of the church will enter the tribulation
since it ..
Until recent times the author never believed that any people who
called themselves Baptists would embrace sacerdotalism. No people have
ever more ..
Christ is the only way to Heaven. While on earth, He said: “I am the
way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me”
We live in a time when many Baptist churches are in a state of apostasy.
Never has there been a time when Baptist are so ignorant of their own
You never have to tell a child to grow any more than you would tell a
plant to grow. But Paul does tell Christian men and women to grow, and
he co..
The book contains fifteen chapters. Chapters cover the following
attributes: Omniscience, Foreknowledge, Omnipotence, Omnipresence,
Eternity, Holi..
This is an anthology of writings by some of the most outstanding Baptists of all ages, revealing the "faith of our fathers."Baptist giants such as J. ..
If Jesus started His church while here on this earth, where is the
church today? This book, written in 1923, cuts through a cloud of
confusion to ..
$7.20 $9.00
The word “Hell” occurs 11 times in the New Testament. Five of these
times it came from the lips of Jesus Christ. Our Lord was what the
religious w..
$3.16 $3.95
Generally, in Scripture there is clearly distinguished two different
kinds of fear. There is “godly fear” (Heb. 12:28), which is the effect
of fai..
$3.16 $3.95
The verses under consideration in this work form one of the most
important passages in all of the Old Testament. The finished work of
Jesus Christ..
The 11th chapter of Hebrews is an exhaustive treatment of the
accomplishments of faith. The author takes us on a pursuit of the
doctrine of faith...
A study of premillennialism (one who believes that Christ will come before the millennial reign).Author: Milburn R. CockrellPublisher: Berea Baptist C..
This book was written in response to the book, Why the millennial doctrine is not biblical, by Albert J. Kempin. Although we are not in complete agree..
$2.00 $2.50
Why does God permit the Devil to run loose? Why does He permit the
apparent victory of evil and all forms of wrong? Why does He permit His
people ..
$3.16 $3.95
All men are failures (Ps. 12:1). In many things we are all failures
(Jas. 3:2). But such can never be said of Christ our Redeemer. Christ
came to ..
$3.16 $3.95
The narrative in Luke 16:19-31 grew out of a conversation which Christ had with the Pharisees. He had taught on the danger of ..
Jesus Christ will come whether you look for Him or not. Nothing is
more certain than Christ’s return. He who came the first time will come
the sec..
The prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, recorded in Daniel 9:24-27, has
always been an important portion to students of the Scriptures. The
views which..
First, in the Book we are to see a love song on a high romantic plane.
This condemns the perversion of marriage which was current in Solomon’s
A series of sermons on each of the Ten Commandments...
An excellent book dealing with what became of the lineage of Noah’s sons.Author: William J. StangPublisher: Berea Baptist ChurchYear: 2017ISBN 13: 978..
No one will ever concede that tithing is scriptural unless he realizes
the great truth of God's ownership of all things. The Bible reveals that
Among the Lord’s people there is much debate, and, in some cases,
much discord as to whether or not a Christian woman should wear a hat or
a head ..
We live in a time when many Baptist churches are in a state of apostasy.
Never has there been a time when Baptist are so ignorant of their own
Long before they were known as landmarkers, those Baptists who held to a strict view of church ordinances, suffered various epithets from their oppone..
Marriage is the oldest of all Divine institutions. There was blissful perfection in that first marriage. God Himself performed the first marriage. If ..
The church of the Lord Jesus Christ is a Divine institution bought by
the blood of God (Acts 20:28). No man-made institution on earth can
compare ..
Some think wine is the element to be used in the Lord's supper. Others
believe it to be grape juice. The author deals with why he and many
others ..