by Larry Killion (Author)
Distinctive Doctrine is a casual discussion of certain things in the New Testament that will be of interest mainly to Christians and particularly those who want to be recognized as distinctively scriptural in their thinking, doctrine and practice. The author speaks of ecclesiastical things from a distinctly Baptist point of view having been the Pastor of an independent, fundamental, sovereign grace, old landmark, missionary baptist congregation for 35 years. Some things covered in the book are The Nature of the Church, The New Testament Church defined, Organizing a Church, Adding and subtracting church members, The officers and ordinances of the church, The financing and government of the church, The doctrine and duties of the church, The name of the church, Baptist Briders, Sectarianism, and more.
- ISBN-10 : 1503536408
- ISBN-13 : 978-1503536401
- Binding: Paperback
- Location: O5
- Stock: 2