What are the answers to life's most perplexing questions? The Bible has the answers! This book offers biblical answers to perhaps the most often asked questions by Christians and non-believers alike. Down-to-earth answers on such topics such as angels, sin, heaven, eternal punishment, and the world'..
Presents what Jesus believed about the inspiration and inerrancy of the Old Testament Scriptures and how that belief should affect contemporary views of biblical authority.Location: K1..
This resource encourages a deeper understanding of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ by harmonizing the accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John so as to assemble as many details as possible into a chronologically meaningful sequence.Author: A.T. RobinsonBinding: HardcoverLocat..
Study the life, ministry, and teaching of Jesus Christ in harmony—with all the relevant material from the Gospels placed side by side on the page and in chronological sequence.The goal of this volume by author and teacher J. Dwight Pentecost is to help you know Jesus better by getting a clearer pict..
Anyone who has taught Classical Hebrew knows the importance and the difficulty of helping students make the transition from completing exercises in an introductory grammar to reading the biblical text on their own. Training students to use the reference grammars so that their learning of Hebrew can ..
Travel the Shepherd's path to the green pastures and cool, refreshing waters of Psalm 23. As a shepherd himself, W. Phillip Keller shares his insights into the life and character of sheep--and of the Good Shepherd who loves and cares for them. A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 will give new mea..
In this series of sermons Elder Cockrell looks at six different Bible Characters.
Much truth can be gleaned from these different people: Thomas, the
doubter;John, the beloved disciple; Peter, an impulsive man; Judas, the
avaricious man; Stephen, the myrtyred deacon; Paul, the great apostle
volume will be a most valuable acquisition to the libraries of ministers and
Christians generally. Its doctrine is thoroughly scriptural; its argument is
compelling; and the reading of it will certainly prove an enriching experience.
It ranks among the best works ever written on the Cov..
Author: Arthur W. PinkBinding: HardcoverLocation: M2..
The primary criterion in evaluating Bible versions with special reference to the New International VersionIn the book, Accuracy of Translation, Robert Martin describes how contemporary bookstores are flooded with a wide variety of translations of the Bible. Some are easier to read than others; ..
This commentary on the book of Acts was
written by J.A. Alexander, the third son of the famous Archibald Alexander, and
an eminent Christian teacher in his own right. The Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia
described him as the most remarkable linguist ever produced by America. Like
his father,..
In All the 2s of the Bible, scholar Herbert Lockyer conducts a fascinating study of the ways in which the writers of Scripture combined both contradictory and complimentary concepts in communicating biblical truth, often in the same verse. Too often, one of these double truths is dealt with to the e..