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This indispensable guide to the conduct and operation of Baptist churches provides rules and procedures for their orderly function.ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0825428602ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0825428609Author : Edward T. HiscoxBinding: PaperbackLocation: O5..
Until recent times the author never believed that any people who called themselves Baptists would embrace sacerdotalism. No people have ever more bravely stood against the curse of priestcraft than our Baptist forefathers. But he lived to see some brethren invent and preach a moderate form o..
This is the same as the old Reiner Publications version Saving Faith, but has appended three extra sermons: The Christian in Romans 7, Vile, and Is Christ Your Lord?Author: Arthur W. PinkBinding: PaperbackLocation: M1..
The magnum opus of one of America’s most prominent theologians offers an in-depth exploration of theology, anthropology, soteriology, and eschatology. This monumental work, now a standard for theological students, was written while Hodge served as a professor at Princeton, where he permanently influ..
Pink's book explores attributes such as God's decrees, foreknowledge, sovereignty, holiness, grace, and mercy, among many others, all packaged in a style especially useful for pastors, teachers, and Bible students. Our God who is above all names cannot be found through human searching alone,..
The author tells the story of the historical and theological development of Baptist churches down through the centuries and throughout the nations, and sets out their doctrinal distinctive.ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0946462100ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0946462100Author: Jack HoadBinding: Paperback  &n..
This book comes straight from the heart of a pastor who has had deacons for breakfast, dinner, and supper for as long as he can remember. The son of a Baptist minister, Dr. Naylor was influenced from childhood by men in this noble office of divine origin. His own twenty-five years in the Baptist min..
Since its original publication in 1888, The Bible Doctrine of Inspiration has been revered as the definitive exposition on the traditional Protestant view of biblical inspiration.Self-described as "a frank and thorough discussion of Bible doctrine of inspiration," this book presents an easily r..
This is an anthology of writings by some of the most outstanding Baptists of all ages, revealing the "faith of our fathers."Baptist giants such as J. P. Boyce, John A. Broadus, C. H. Spurgeon, A. H. Strong, J. R. Graves, Abraham Booth, J. M. Pendleton, John Bunyan, Andrew Fuller, John Gill, Alex..
Taken from the first page of the book."Is there such a thing as a Christian "Sabbath"? Some of the leading Bible teachers of the day answer emphatically, There is not. They say that such an expression is a contradiction in terms. They challenge us to find the words anywhere in the Bible. And because..
The Church That Jesus Built
-20 %
If Jesus started His church while here on this earth, where is the church today? This book, written in 1923, cuts through a cloud of confusion to clarify the connection between Christ's ministry and the local churches of today. A great book for someone searching for a Biblical and historical..
$7.20 $9.00
Showing 37 to 48 of 72 (6 Pages)