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God’s Sanctuary
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God’s Sanctuary is the result of many year’s interest in the study of the Tabernacle. Over the years Bob Raven became increasingly uneasy about some of the accepted tabernacle teaching expressed in various books and models, particularly in the finer details. This led him to spend two winters in secl..
Harvest Festivals is no mere academic study of the Feasts. It throbs with life, stirring the conscience of the reader as well as instructing his mind. Here is a thoughtful, reverent work that plumbs the depth of the reader’s heart as it plumbs the depths of Scripture.A comprehensive treatment of the..
Kregel Pictorial Guide -Tabernacle Model
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This is a 1:78 full color die-cut model ready to assemble.Author: Tim Dowley & Peter PholePublisher: Kregel PublicationsYear: 2005ISBN 13: 9780825424861Number of Pages: 16Format: Paperback..
$10.39 $12.99
Kregel Pictorial Guide to the Tabernacle
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This fully illustrated, four-color pictorial guide uncovers the significance, services, symbols, and sacrifices of the Tabernacle. Author: Tim DowleyPublisher: Kregel PublicationsYear: 2003ISBN 13: 9780825424687Number of Pages: 32Format: Pap..
$9.60 $11.99
Law of the Offerings
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A classic work on the Old Testament offerings and their signifiance for the New Testament believer. Andrew Jukes explores the offerings of Leviticus as types of Christ's work in providing for the believer's access to and fellowship with God.Author: Andrew JukesPublisher: Kregel PublicationsYear..
$12.80 $15.99
Outline Studies of the Tabernacle
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A thorough, outlined study of the construction and service of the tabernacle.Author: Ada R. HabershonPublisher: Kregel PublicationsYear: 1974ISBN 13: 9780825428203Number of Pages: 64Format: Paperback..
$7.19 $8.99
Tabernacle of Israel
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Written by the famous developer of Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, this thorough, illustrated exposition is a classic work on the Tabernacle. What was the Tabernacle of Israel really like? What significance does it hold for Christians today? What can be discovered in the Ark and its cherubi..
$11.99 $14.99
Tabernacle, the Priesthood, and the Offerings
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This exhaustive, richly suggestive treatment is a classic in its field. Twenty-one illustrations based on descriptions in the Old Testament and archeological discoveries. Author: Henry W. SoltauPublisher: Kregel PublicationsYear: 1972ISBN 13: 9780825437502Number of Pages: 492Format:..
$17.59 $21.99
Tabernacle--Shadows of the Messiah
-20 %
The Tabernacle dominates fifty chapters in the Old Testament, while all of creation requires only two. Yet attaining an understanding of the design and significance of God's first house among His people gets scant attention in most churches today. A proper understanding of the Tabernacle pr..
$19.99 $24.99
Tabernacle: Its Priests and Its Services
-20 %
Quotations from Scripture have been supplied in the margins to paint word pictures of the tabernacle, its priest, its rites, and its sacrifices. These bring to life the intricacies of the tabernacle and illuminate its significance. Fifty illustrations depict the tabernacle and its surroundi..
$13.59 $16.99
The furniture and vessels used in the tabernacle are all treated in their typical significance. Includes ten full-color illustrations.Author: Henry W. SoltauPublisher: Kregel PublicationsYear: 1971ISBN 13: 9780825437519Number of Pages: 152Format: Paperback..
The Jewish Tabernacle
-33 %
Newton presents the person and work of Jesus Christ in all its fullness and beauty as displayed in the God-ordained ritual of the OT Tabernacle.Author: RichardPublisher: Solid Ground Christian BooksYear: 2009ISBN 13: 9781599252124Number of Pages: 393Format: Paperback..
$20.00 $30.00
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