The classic "All Series" books have graced the shelves of pastors,
students, and laypeople alike for decades. "All about the Holy Spirit"
continues in the series tradition of offering a faithful and
comprehensive treatment of biblical subjects.
In this work, Dr. Lockyer examines virtually eve..
The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father as a Comforter when you are
worried or afraid, as Strength when you are weak, as Safety when you are
in danger, and as Peace in the midst of confusion. In this collection
of extracts by classics writer Andrew Murray, you will find how you can
receive th..
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally
important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the
original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright
The Counselor is A.W. Tozer's compelling study of the Holy Spirit.
Following a straightforward, inspiring and theologically sound approach,
Tozer helps readers know God more fully and to embrace the complexity
of His Spirit. He warns of spiritual stagnancy and the dangers of a
church that la..
$10.40 $12.99
All students of Scripture can benefit from this concise, practical study
of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. All the doctrinal essentials
are here, clearly organized and explained by the renowned scholar who
prepared the Ryrie Study Bible. Avoiding confusion and trendiness, Dr.
Ryrie ..
$10.40 $12.99
This book is an extensive treatment of the entire doctrine of
pneumatology, using some 1,500 Scripture citations, and is designed for
anyone desiring to get a complete presentation of the third person of
the Trinity who indwells all Christians.Author: John F. WalvoordPublisher: ZondervanYear: ..
$15.19 $18.99
The fraud and manipulation, which abounds in the church under the
pretence that it is the work of the Holy Spirit, make this book required
reading. Things excellent in themselves and acknowledged by all
Christians are often counterfeited; the more worthy any thing is, the
more destructive is..
$15.99 $19.99
This great exposition leads the reader to recognize the Holy Spirit in the types, symbols and prophecies of the Old Testament, and in the promises, records and revelation of the New Testament. A definitive work on the third Person of the Trinity - in one volume.Author: A. B. SimpsonPublisher: Christ..
$17.60 $21.99
A powerful collection of 366 meditations excerpted from Tozer's timeless
writings. Here he shares his passionate perspective on the devotional,
inspirational, and practical role of the Holy Spirit in the believer's
life. Each daily entry includes Scriptures and source references. A
$13.59 $16.99
Wherever there is a Christian of power, there is the Holy Spirit. A. W.
Tozer was such a man. This book contains some of his best thoughts and
writings on the Holy Spirit.Author: A. W. TozerPublisher: Bridge LogosYear: 2007ISBN 13: 9780882703428 Number of Pages: 177Format: Paperback..
$11.19 $13.99
Bullinger examines each of the 385 occurrences of the Greek word pneuma
(spirit) in the New Testament. Subject, text, and Greek word indexes
make this volume even more useful. Includes a foreword by Dr. Warren
Wiersbe.Author: E. W. BullingerPublisher: KregelYear: 1979ISBN 13: 9780825422461 Num..
$10.39 $12.99
This book is well worth reading...the merits of the study are that it is
biblical - usually there are plenty of references to support an
assertion, and the book proceeds by exegesis of verses and passages; it
is practical, the aim being so to expound the doctrine as to promote the
$7.20 $9.00
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 (1 Pages)